I recently wrote a post about a Dutch case in which the seller had failed to inform the buyer on exposition to noise due to an airport located nearby. The . . .

Looking for a new home in the Netherlands in a quiet neighbourhood? Beware of things that might disturb the peace and quiet in the vicinity. If you think . . .

1. What is a ‘carrelet’? ‘Carrelet’ means sole but the term ‘carrelet’ or ‘pêcherie’ is also used for traditional fishing huts on stilts by the waterside . . .

Did you know there is a Fraud Film Festival? The 7th edition took place in 2021 in Amsterdam in the Royal Tuschinski Theatre which had just celebrated its . . .

Like age clauses, non-occupancy clauses appear regularly in Dutch property purchase agreements. Sometimes they are used in combination with each other, and . . .

An apartment and renovation plans? First check the deed of division and click here. Do you want to know more about the 80% rule? Click here. If leasehold . . .

If the division is amended for a renovation it is a good idea to check whether the regulations are still up to date. Perhaps they can benefit from being . . .

The renovation of an apartment usually requires approval from the meeting of owners. Sometimes this is not enough and the deed of division must be amended . . .

The plan seemed to be top-notch But one of the co-owners said no Change the deed, avoid a hotchpotch Ruled the Court of Justice, don’t botch it up Even if . . .

Since September 2003 registering the purchase agreement in the Land Register offers additional legal protection. This provision is sometimes called . . .

Real estate contracts under Dutch law often include a clause about the age of the property. This is a way for the seller to limit his liability for . . .

Under Dutch law the seller is legally obliged to deliver what he sold, i.e. ‘in conformity’ with the agreement. In purchase agreements this . . .